It’s been 6 months since our entire world was changed when we were terminated from the direct sales company we’d been with for the past (nearly) 17 years.
And, I am changed. Different. Not the same.

But it’s not why you might think. Yes, we lost our entire income that day, and our world changed instantly, but the change started long before that.
I’ve been doing LOTS of reflecting and remembering these past several months, and I’ve started to see pivotal moments that began to shift something inside me.
Dreams and desires were bubbling up inside me. There were stories to tell and callings to chase.
And then those dreams, desires, stories, and callings slowly began to be stifled. Shut-down. Silenced.
I got scared, and I shrank away from the person I truly was to become who I thought I needed to be to survive the environment we’d placed ourselves in.
But something has radically shifted inside me in the past few weeks. It’s like I remembered that I’m no longer in a cage.
I remembered that I don’t have to sit down and be quiet. I can walk in the freedom that Christ gave me and chase all the dreams bubbling and brewing in my heart.
So, 6 months later, I’m different. Changed in the best kind of way.
I’m bolder, more confident, more sure, and it’s like I suddenly remembered (and my attorney reminded me), that you can always speak the truth.

So in an attempt to continue to heal and continue to stay true to who I really am (and who I’ve always been), I’m making a commitment to write a post a day in March, April, and May.
Funny enough, I did this very thing back in 2011 (14 years ago, ya’ll!), and those 3 months turned into a full year of writing. Some of it was too raw, too real, too messy, and maybe even too much. But that commitment changed me for the better. It healed parts of me that I didn’t even know were broken.
I thought for good old times, I’d share and link to those old posts each day. I am definitely not that woman anymore, but I’m grateful for every single one of those times I sat down to write. I did not post on February 28th of 2011, but I did post on February 8th, and it’s fascinating to me that this blog post continues to be a helpful reminder to me even today.
So until tomorrow,
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